Workshop: Markers

In this 2 week workshop, we’ll explore the great range of potential that markers have. They are great at both details and broad gestural strokes. We will explore concrete techniques to create a wide range of visuals through exploration of layering, transparency, and opacity. “I am a beginner so I need simple. Prof Lieu was […]

Workshop: Pets & Animals

In this 2 week workshop, learn drawing techniques for how you can capture the immense range of expressive gestures our furry friends are capable of! We will discuss ways to show movement in a drawing while also articulating textures and structure within each animal. “I found it surprising and very helpful that Prof Lieu looked […]

Workshop: Pen & Ink

Pen and ink can be transformed in so many ways to create great detail, but also broad gestural strokes. We will explore specific techniques and materials to create compositions that articulate a range of visual styles. “I found the instruction on how to create color palettes very easy to understand. I am a beginner so […]

Workshop: Flowers

This workshop will focus on how to capture the colors, textures, and forms of flowers in an expressive manner. Using any 2D art media, we will explore ways to articulate these beautiful forms in nature This workshop will focus on drawing techniques to create compelling drawings with both anatomical structures and emotional depth and narrative. […]

Workshop: Acrylic Painting

Acrylic is a highly versatile paint medium! Learn how you can expand your range of effects and techniques in your paintings. This workshop is for both beginners and artists with experience with acrylic painting. “I found it surprising and very helpful that Prof Lieu looked at our work and gave feedback a week ahead of […]

Workshop: Landscapes & Water

Water is an incredibly expressive subject that has captivated artists for centuries. Learn techniques in any 2D art media for how to portray the transparency and complexities of water in a landscape. This workshop will focus on drawing techniques to create compelling drawings with both anatomical structures and emotional depth and narrative. “I found it […]

Workshop: Collage & Mixed Media

Experiment in this workshop with collage and diverse mixed media techniques. We’ll cover how to get shapes, textures, and colors to interact into a cohesive composition using a broad range of materials. “I found it surprising and very helpful that Prof Lieu looked at our work and gave feedback a week ahead of the workshop […]

Workshop: Printmaking Party

This workshop is a chance to push your creative boundaries with printmaking, to learn new techniques and to expand upon ones you are familiar with. We will work with as many printmaking processes as you want! This workshop will focus on drawing techniques to create compelling drawings with both anatomical structures and emotional depth and […]

Workshop: Imaginary Landscapes

In this workshop, we will explore how to invent landscape from your imagination using specific techniques to portray a convincing sense of depth, texture, and atmosphere. You’ll learn how to create a composition that feels naturalistic but also fantastical at the same time. “What I liked about this workshop was that I got caught in […]

Workshop: Creating Color Palettes

Color palettes are an effective way for you to bring cohesion, balance, and contrast to your compositions. Explore different ways color palettes can play a narrative role and portray mood and specific visual effects in this workshop. “What I liked about this workshop was that I got caught in the act of making mistakes and […]

Workshop: Drawing Hair

Drawing a portrait is more than just the facial features, hair plays a prominent role in capturing the personality in a portrait. Drawing hair has so many challenges, how do you show the volume of the hair without scribbling a bunch of lines? This workshop will provide specific techniques to create passages of hair in […]

Workshop: Oil Pastel

Oil Pastel is an exciting media that combines aspects of painting and drawing with immense expressive potential. This workshop provides the chance to experiment with the wide range of marks, colors, and textures oil pastel can create. “Prof Lieu’s experienced advice and encouragement to me personally on my art! I also love that this was […]

Workshop: Backgrounds

Backgrounds in your art will engage your audience in richer, more compelling banner. Learn how to construct backgrounds make your narratives more vivid, and your compositions more dynamic and exciting. We’ll explore a diverse range of ways you can create backgrounds to enhance your compositions. “The format & flow of the workshop worked really well. […]

Workshop: Clothing & Drapery

Clothing and drapery can be very expressive and provide a sense of narrative to your artworks. How to approach it is challenging and confusing often! Table of Contents Heather Winslow Gibbons, Steen, ElveraAna Wieder-Blank, Karla, Temo, Carina W. We’ll discuss specific techniques to that will help you organize how to approach the complex forms that […]

Workshop: Colored Pencil Techniques

Colored pencil has an immense range of possibilities as an art media. You can achieve highly detailed drawings, but it can also be gestural and expressive! Table of Contents We’ll discuss many specific techniques for how to develop a breadth of visual vocabulary with colored pencil. “I learned so much from Prof Lieu and my […]

Workshop: Portraits & Proportions

In this workshop, we’ll talk about ways to create convincing proportions in your portraits without any measuring or charts. Training your eye is actually more efficient long term! We’ll discuss how to get a solid foundation at the beginning of a portrait and how to develop towards a more refined finish. “I learned so much […]

Workshop: Charcoal: Value & Contrast

Charcoal is a fantastic drawing media for developing solid skills in value and contrast. This workshop is a chance to learn specific techniques in charcoal to create dramatic contrast through a wide range of values. “I learned so much from Prof Lieu and my fellow students, not only how to improve my own work, but […]

Workshop: Mixed Media Painting

Using more than 1 paint media within an artwork is a wonderful way to combine a diverse range of effects in your painting. We’ll explore combinations of any paint media and experiment with how the media can interact with teach other in a cohesive manner. “I learned so much from Prof Lieu and my fellow […]

Workshop: Soft Pastel Techniques

Soft pastel is a really exciting, versatile drawing media to explore color and mark making. Table of Contents This is an opportunity to learn about a wide range of concrete soft pastel techniques and ways to engage with color that you can implement in your own drawing practice. “I learned so much from Prof Lieu […]

Workshop: Holiday Ornaments & Decorations

This 1 day workshop is a chance create fun ornaments and/or decorations for any holiday, in a wide range of 2D and 3D media. We’ll talk about different ways you can create unique interpretations of a holiday, and experiment with 2D and 3D materials. Workshop Info To Register Registration is due Friday, December 8 so […]

Workshop: Holiday Cards

This 1 day workshop is a chance to design holiday cards in a wide range of media. We will look at card design from both art history to contemporary designs. We’ll discuss how to create your cards, either unique designs or using techniques like printmaking to produce several cards all at one. Workshop Info To […]

Workshop: Gestural Figure Painting

This 1 day workshop is a chance to learn techniques for capturing a sense of gesture and movement in 2- 15 min. figure paintings. We’ll discuss ways to capture the action of the figure in order to show energy in your paint strokes. Brush techniques for creating fluidity in your paintings will be covered in […]

Workshop: Portrait & Figure, Flesh Tones

This 1 day workshop is a chance to explore how to create flesh tones for portrait and figure that are vibrant and luminous, while articulating convincing figurative forms. We’ll discuss how to develop your own approach to portraying flesh tone colors by talking about layering colors, how light affects color, as well as simple color […]

Workshop: Websites for Artists

This 1 day workshop will focus on the nuts and bolts of how to build, organize, and maintain an effective artist website.  Topics we can discuss are website platforms, preparing your artwork images, creating smooth navigation for your audience, organizing a clear menu bar, and more. Whether you are are about to create a website […]

Workshop: Get Results on Social Media

This 1 day workshop will provide guidance on how to achieve your goals on social media. Whether you want to sell your art, exhibit in galleries, or share your artistic process, we will discuss how you can shift your strategy on social media to get results. “It was really lovely connecting with such a small […]

Workshop, Pumpkins & Gourds

Explore the incredible range of textures, colors, and forms seen in gourds and pumpkins! We will talk about how to articulate the volume and surface of these wonderful forms. Take this subject where you want: anything from a fantasy illustration, a color study, a still life! Watch a Sample Workshop How it Works Before the […]

Workshop, Skeletons & Bones

Spend a day exploring skeletons, skulls, and bones! Bones are exciting because they are the structure within animals and humans. Take this subject where you want, a fantastical skeleton you invent, an anatomical study, whatever suits you. “Fabulous feedback from Prof Lieu as I was going along. This taught me and helped make this piece […]

Workshop, Drawing Dogs

Learn drawing techniques for how you can capture the immense range of expressive gestures our furry friends are capable of! We will discuss ways to show movement in a drawing while also articulating textures and structure within a dog. “I’ve tried a different paid group with video & live tutorials to through Facebook and I’ve […]

Workshop: Expressive Figure Drawing

In this 2 week workshop you’ll learn concrete techniques for how to capture expressive movements and gestures in your figure drawings. This workshop will focus on drawing techniques to create compelling drawings with both anatomical structures and emotional depth and narrative. “I really love that we get the week afterwards to continue to get feedback […]

Workshop: Underwater Creatures & Scenes

Learn techniques for how you can capture mesmerizing creatures, both real and fantastical, within sumptuous underwater scenes. We will discuss ways to show the incredible range of textures, surfaces, and movements seen underwater. “I felt like this workshop really allowed you to dive in and not be afraid of potentially making ‘bad art.’ I also […]

Workshop: Sketchbooks

What goes into a sketchbook, and what are creative ways you can approach yours? This workshop will stimulate new ways you can engage with your personal sketchbook practice. Whether you are just getting started with a sketchbook, or have been keeping sketchbooks for many years, we’ll provide plenty of ways you can explore this wonderful […]

Workshop: Fan Art Party

We’re all fans of something, (Benedict Cumberbatch for Prof Lieu) and what better way to show our love by making fan art together! Explore the incredible range of interpretations and stylistic choices you can try out with fan art. “Prof Lieu’s experienced advice and encouragement to me personally on my art! I also love that […]