We are the ultimate art supply nerds! We want to help you get quality, up to date information on specific art supplies you are curious about.
You can send an art supply you are curious about to 1 of our staff, and we will produce shorts and live streams where we react and demo the supply.

How it works: Prof Lieu
- Purchase an art supply off her Amazon wish list.
- Prof Lieu will unbox the supply in a short.
Live stream demo
- On a live stream, she’ll show her first reaction to the art supply.
- Prof Lieu will do tests on the supply, and then create an artwork or sketches to demonstrate possible applications.
- Depending on the supply, Prof Lieu may produce a short like this one after the live stream. (note that this is not guaranteed)

How it works: Teaching Artists
- Purchase an art supply, book, or other item from a Teaching Artist’s wish list.
Teaching artist Wish Lists
1 min. video
- A Teaching Artist will unbox the supply in a 1 min. video.
- In the same video, they will explain how the supply works.
- See playlists of these videos: painting supplies, drawing supplies, printmaking supplies, and 3D supplies.
Art supply suggestions
- We welcome art supply suggestions to add to our wish list.
- Comment on our Discord, YouTube, Instagram, or Tik Tok with your art supply suggestions.
- You can also email Prof Lieu.

Thank you!
- We love saying thank you when art supplies show up!
- Unless you specify otherwise, we will thank you on our sites with your first name only.
- You can contribute anonymously too, make sure you tell us.