Tombow’s Create Your Best Work Art Scholarship
Deadline: March 2021
Eligibility: high school seniors, college freshmen, and college sophomores seeking art degrees
Accepts: “Artwork created using any of the following mediums: graphite pencil, water-based marker/brush pen, drawing pen, and/or permanent marker. At least one submission must be created using graphite pencils. (digital artwork,
including graphic design and photography, will not be accepted)”
Award: “An award of $5,000 will be made to the top applicant, and two runners-up will each receive $2,500.”
Congressional Art Competition
Deadline: varies
Eligibility: high school students
Accepts: 2D artwork no larger than 26″ x 26″ x 4″, less than 15 lbs.
Award: “Winners are recognized both in their district and at an annual awards ceremony in Washington, DC. The winning works are displayed for one year at the U.S. Capitol.”
Vans Custom Culture
Registration: January
Application: students submit artwork via their high school art teachers
Award: The Grand Prize school will receive $75,000 towards their art program, 4 Runner Up schools will receive $10,000 for their art program.
Google Doodle
Deadline: check the link above
Eligibility: Grades K-12
Accepts: all media
Award: $5000, $30,000 college scholarship + more
National Young Arts Competition
Eligibility: Ages 15-18, U.S. citizen or permanent legal resident or green card holder
Accepts: “fine art, including multi-media & performance art”
Grant: up to $10,000 USD + artist masterclasses
Application fee: $35
Scholastic Art & Writing Awards
Deadline: varies
Application: students submit artwork via their high school art teachers
Award: varies