August 2021: Fantasy Vehicles

Art Dare Prompt

Create a fantasy vehicle using at least 3 reference photos, using any 2D or 3D art media.


Get started!

In the Art Prof Discord Server, we have an #art-dares channel where you can post your WIP (work in progress), and get feedback & support during the month!

Art Dare Leap

Draw 1 vehicle for every week of the month.


Post your artwork on Instagram, tag us  with #artprofdare. Please know that by doing this, you are automatically granting us permission to repost your art dare artworks on our Instagram account!

Submissions close on Tuesday, August 31 @ 11:59pm EST

We prefer submissions via Instagram, but you can also use the upload form. Please do not use the upload form if you submit via Instagram.


We award prizes and honorable mentions.

To be eligible for a prize, your artwork must be an original artwork created specifically for this Art Dare, and follow all guidelines.

Art Dare winner

Choose from a portfolio critique, an artist website critique, or an artist Instagram critique, or 5 months free in our Discord Voice channel.

Artists in the US can also choose to receive: Prof Lieu’s book + Cat Huang’s middle school comic, “The Comic Journal of Cathy Rox,” and stickers designed by Cat and Lauryn.

Honorable Mention

Artists in the US can choose either Prof Lieu’s book, or Cat Huang’s middle school comic, “The Comic Journal of Cathy Rox,” and stickers designed by Cat and Lauryn.

International artists will receive 3 months free in our Discord Voice channel.