This video shows the results of the Dec 2024 Art Dare: Drawing from Imagination. Discussion led by Art Prof Clara Lieu.

Prize Winner
“All are 12″ x 9” lined with brush pen and extra fine nib fountain pen with black and grey ink. Coloring was done in watercolor. As I make these, I’m trying to create as much depth as I can while also making things interconnect in some way.
Each piece was intended to explore duplicity and power imbalance in modern society. These themes seem to invade most things I make from imagination regardless of my intention when starting them. For some reason I feel like I’m more able to stick to alternate themes when I’m working from references.
I had so much fun making these! Working from imagination is definitely in my wheelhouse and the kind of thing I would do unprompted. That being said, forcing myself to use reference, especially when practicing, have made my pieces done from imagination much better and easier to do.
Honorable Mention
Jess Latta
“I lightly drew random strokes with the broad side of a large piece of vine charcoal.

Then I added detail with thinner pieces of vine charcoal, using my imagination to translate my strokes into something recognizable.”
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