Mini Critiques

Clara Lieu, banner

A mini critique is a low pressure chance to get a snippet of feedback from Prof Lieu.

Sample Mini Critiques

3 min. video

Why a mini critique?

  • Feedback helps you improve as an artist! A mini critique is an easy introduction to that process.
  • A mini critique is a great place to start if you have never received critique on your artwork.

Who are mini critiques for?

  • Self taught artists, beginners, high school & college students, professionals, and more!


1 artwork, 3 min.
$40 USD
Paypal or Venmo, @artprof

2 artworks, 6 min.
$70 USD
Paypal or Venmo, @artprof

Clara Lieu

3 artworks, 9 min.
$85 USD
Paypal or Venmo, @artprof

4 artworks, 12 min.
$99 USD
Paypal or Venmo, @artprof

How to Submit

Instagram DM

Send payment + a DM to with:

  • Image(s)
  • 1-2 sentences about your artwork.
  • If you used Paypal or Venmo.

You’ll receive your critique via an unlisted YouTube link in 3 business days.


  1. Send your payment
  2. Submit our form

You’ll receive your critique via an unlisted YouTube link in 3 business days.

Clara Lieu, banner

YouTube Option

  • At our discretion, some artists will be invited to have their critique posted publicly on our YouTube channel.
  • This is optional and 100% your call, we would never post without your permission.
Clara banner printmaking monotype
  • If you aren’t invited, please know that this is in no way a reflection of the quality of your artwork.
  • When selecting mini critiques to post, we are thinking about what will fit well and balance within the context of all our other content.


artist services