Where do you start to learn about contemporary art? This video provides concrete ways you can get a better sense of what’s happening in the art world today.
- 1 min. short (Gego)
- 1 min. short (Sze)
- 1 min. short (discovering artists)
- Museum Curator playlist
- 1 min. short (Fritsch)
- 1 min. short (Caycedo)
- 43 min. video (discussion)
- Contemporary Art playlist
Resources like contemporary artist documentaries, online publications, arts writers, apps, contemporary art museum exhibitions, biennials, art fairs, and more are all terrific ways to get a comprehensive look at the art world today.
Discussion by Art Prof Clara Lieu and Teaching Artist Lauryn Welch.

Video Walkthrough
- It’s common for people to have sweeping generalizations about contemporary art.
- You’ll hear people say “all contemporary art is garbage,” or “my kid could do that.”
- A lot of the time the reason people don’t enjoy contemporary art is they haven’t had the change to really find art they will connect with.
- Plan your visits to galleries so that you are looking at shows that will feature artwork you know you’ll engage with well.
- There are many documentaries produced about contemporary artists such as PBS art21 and M. Abramović: The Artist Is Present which are great for learning about contemporary art.
- Look at artwork in galleries and museums; galleries have a commercial approach whereas museums tend to be more educational.
- What counts as “modern art,” and what counts as “contemporary” art?
- Contemporary art is art being made today, but artists who are currently alive.
- Modern art is art produced from the 1860s to the 1970s.
- “Modern” is often substituted for “contemporary,” hence the confusion.
- Don’t be afraid to voice your own opinions about contemporary art, you are entitled to your opinion!
- Follow online publications on social media so you stay up to date on exhibitions, articles, and artists you have interest in.
- Follow arts writers, they are the ones writing the exhibition reviews, writing articles on contemporary art and seeing shows in person.
- Look up major artist grants and see who the recent winners were.
- Regional museums are a great place to find contemporary art that isn’t as massive or grand in scale.

Contemporary Art Apps
Contemporary Art Museums
Art Fairs

Contemporary Art Documentaries
- Exit Through the Gift Shop
- M. Abramović: The Artist Is Present
- Art Prof’s list of art videos & films

Artist Grants mentioned
- John Simon Guggenheim grant
- MacArthur Foundation Grant
- Pollock-Krasner Grant
- Rome Prize
- Art Prof’s artist grant list
Artists mentioned

Contemporary Art Publications
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