MFA Portfolios Track

The MFA Portfolios Track will lay out all the materials you’ll need to provide to apply to an MFA program in studio art.

An MFA portfolio requires a level of maturity and engagement with critical thinking.

Lesson 1 • Lesson 2 • Lesson 3Lesson 4

A sampling of homework assignments from your undergraduate degree isn’t going to cut it for an MFA application! At the MFA level, the concerns shift from technical skills to developing a unique artistic vision. 

Clara Lieu, banner

Should I do an MFA?

We recommend watching this video on whether an MFA program is a good fit for your goals. It’s common for people to think they need an MFA degree.

However, in many cases, other options like artist residencies, conferences, or simply experience in the field is all that is required. For example, you do not need an MFA degree to work as a freelance illustrator.

Lauryn Welch
Lauryn Welch

If you’re really not sure, we recommend purchasing an artist call to determine whether an MFA is the right fit for you.

Visit our MFA section and our Pro Development section for more related content.

Purchase an artist call, Clara Lieu


Do the track at your own pace! Taking the time to process the content is important, so we don’t advise putting pressure on yourself to finish the track quickly.

Show us what you make!

Mixed Media Acrylic Painting, Lauryn, banner

Lesson 1

Portfolio evaluation

Self-critique the current state of your portfolio and create a plan of action for how you will develop your portfolio.

Lesson 2

artist statement

Write artist statements, of varying lengths, that provide insight into your art practice.

Lesson 3

artist cv & letters of recommendation

Write an artist CV (curriculum vitae) that is a history of your practice as an artist. Create a list of people you can get letters of recommendation from.

Lesson 4

Mock mfa interview

Practice speaking about your artwork and other possible interview questions.

Lauryn Welch, banner


Join our 2025 Art School Portfolio Group!

Our Art School Portfolio Group provides ongoing support and feedback from our staff of professional artists for students applying or transferring to a BFA, MFA, or post-baccalaureate program.

Group class critique Lauryn

To participate, you’ll need to 1) join our Discord server and 2) pay a one time fee, or pledge monthly on our Patreon.