MFA Graphic Design Portfolio Critique

This video provides a critique of art art school portfolio, starting with an overview of the portfolio, followed by critiques for each individual artwork.

Topics discussed include aspects of the entire portfolio and artworks are working well, and recommends concrete strategies for how to make progress.

Critique led by Art Prof Clara Lieu and Teaching Artist Lauryn Welch. Portfolio by Mariama Sesay.

Featured Artist

Mariama Sesay

“My work addresses many social issues specifically those that affect African women: Lack of media representation of marginalized groups, racial inequality, the negative impact of unrealistic beauty standards, the importance of hair in my culture, and climate change.

By using digital and traditional creativity, I aim for my work to educate and empower my audience and to bring awareness to these societal conflicts. My current design project, ‘Tox-s-ick Beauty’ represents how society glorifies unrealistic perfect bodies especially on women.

My design goal is to become a very skilled graphic designer, so education is a top priority for me. I also aspire to open design studios in Sierra Leone where kids can express themselves creatively. Through local and campus outreach, I’d seek to coordinate a mentorship program for the children with graphic design professionals.

I also plan to work with the children’s parents, as I believe this could build a more lasting support system for the young designers, and bring the family into the experience. It’s my belief that design has played a major role in societal change, and I would like to extend that legacy to help others.”

Mariama Sesay
Services: Portfolio Critiques gif
Services: Artist Calls gif