Artist Curriculum Vitae

Write your curriculum vitae, which is a comprehensive list of your work experience, exhibition history, awards, residencies, publications, and more.

curriculum vitae tips
- The toughest part of writing a curriculum vitae is what to include, and what to remove.
- Start by writing down literally everything, it’s better to start with too much and then cut down from there.
- Avoid padding your curriculum vitae; it clutters your document and is very obvious to people reviewing it.

- Revise your curriculum vitae many times and consider your word choices.
- Often jobs require specialized skills that you yourself may take for granted because they are your daily work. Think hard about what you do at your job and don’t devalue it!
- Ask someone you trust – and whose opinion you value- to review your CV before sending it out.

letters of recommendation
Write a list of 4-6 people who you can approach to write you a letter of recommendation.
- 47 second short
- 2 min version (Andrew Raftery)
- 42 min. version
The people do not necessarily have to be former professors, but they should be people who can speak articulately about your studio practice as an artist.
While your boss at a coffee shop may know you very well, and be very kind and supportive, they are not a good choice if they are not familiar with you as an artist.

letters of recommendation Tips
- Be sure to email the person first to ask if they are willing to write you a letter of recommendation, don’t be demanding or assume that they will!
- Ideally, ask a person who you have kept in touch with/and or have worked with recently.
- Try to avoid asking someone who you haven’t spoken to in many years; it’s unlikely they will be willing to (or be able to) write you a letter.

- Know your deadlines and be sure to give the person you are asking at least 1-2 months advance notice.
- Be prompt and regularly answer emails, it’s frustrating when a student goes missing in action and a recommender needs information from them to meet a deadline.

How to Write an Artist CV
Writing an effective artist CV and resume is hugely important to pursue job and career opportunities as an artist.
This video explains in great detail what should or should not be included in an artist CV, as well as tips for how to format a CV different depending on where you are sending your CV for review. Discussio
n led by Art Prof Clara Lieu and Teaching Artist Lauryn Welch.
Cold Calling & Emails for Artists
Cold Calling as an artist can be an effective way to create professional opportunities for yourself.
This video explain how to research specific people to contact, the logistics of how to write an introductory email that is professional and succinct, and then how to follow up in a manner that is not intrusive or demanding.
Discussion led by Art Prof Clara Lieu and Teaching Artist Lauryn Welch.