This video demos exciting painting prompts to get you started creating abstract paintings in acrylic, using a wide range of techniques and tools for creating abstract paintings in acrylic paint.
- 1 min. short (filbert brushes)
- 1 min. short (acrylic paint + inks)
- 1 min. short (thick acrylic mediums)
- 1 min. short (thin acrylic mediums)
- 1 min. short (quinacridone orange)
- 1 min. short (acrylic varnishes)
- 1 min. short (storing acrylics)
- 1 min. short (universal pigment #s)
- 2 min. video (brush size tips)
- 76 min video (tutorial)
These prompts are a great way to jump start your process so you can get moving with your paintings. Demo by Art Prof Clara Lieu.
- Prompt 1: Creek Photo
- Prompt 2: Buddha’s Hand Photo
- Prompt 3: Jub Jub Video
- Prompt 4: Sound effect files

Crissie’s Tips

One thing I do is watch other artists’ live drawing streams. Not edited or time-lapse, but live.
I like to do this because I see experienced, professional artists make mistakes .. and either incorporate a mistake into the work (à la Bob Ross’ “happy accidents”) .. or work out how to fix it.

We all make mistakes, and seeing professional artists deal with their mistakes helps throttle down the “I MUST GET IT RIGHT” mindset.
Crissie is a moderator in our Discord server.
Reference Photos
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