Art Prof Clara Lieu demonstrates how to do drawings of a heads using Conté Crayon. Prof Lieu explains how sketch the essential bony structures of the skull, and then how to knock in big patches of tone to give the head mass and weight. Video Walkthrough Reference Photos Prof Lieu’s Tips In terms of capturing the gesture […]
Category: Conté crayon
- Charcoal
- Colored Pencil
- Conté crayon
- Crayon
- Marker
- Oil Pastel
- Pen & Ink
- Pencil
- Soft Pastel
This video shows drawing tips for how to do quick gesture drawings of horses. Techniques explained include how to capture the entire anatomy of the horse efficiently, and then how to build upon that gesture to create a convincing sense of movement and form. Demo by Art Prof Clara Lieu and Teaching Artist Deepti Menon. […]
Avoid these mistakes when drawing the human figure: tracing the outline, drawing too dark too soon, leaving the hands and feet to the last minute and more. See these mistakes demonstrated, and followed up with more effective and efficient techniques for drawing the figure. using stills from Eadweard Muybridge’s book The Human Figure in Action. […]