This video explains the anatomical structure of the arm, breaking down the specific bones and muscles. Bones and muscles covered include the humerus, radius, ulna, brachioradialis, deltoid, biceps, triceps, extensors, flexors, and more.
- Watch the anatomy lecture
- Watch the Draw Along
We also consider how to apply that anatomical knowledge to drawings, as well as how arms can be expressive forms and carry potential narratives. Lecture by Art Prof Clara Lieu.

Video Walkthrough
- Arms can be very expressive
- Arm bones: humerus, radius, ulna
- Radius & Ulna are “best friends”
- Biceps & Deltoids: overlaps
- “Group” the arm muscles
- Elbow is a bony landmark
- Very few bony landmarks in the arm
- Extensors + Tendons
- Flexors + Tendons
- Brachioradialis pairs with Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus (ECRL)
- Long, Lateral, and Medial Head of Triceps
- Large Tendon attached to Triceps
- Foreshortening on arms is dramatic
- Deltoid is a significant muscle
- Dramatic change widths in arm
- Skin: sagging & compression
- Veins are cosmetic in the arms

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