This video is a tour of different types of sketchbooks that an artist can jump between for different purposes. Having several sketchbooks can help organize your creative process.
Some sketchbooks are reserved for traveling, others are ones that are used for scribbling down notes and ideas, some sketchbooks are more curated with finished works, and more. Demo led by Art Prof Clara Lieu.
Video Walkthrough
- Travel sketchbooks
- Collage in a sketchbook: stickers, stamps, ticket stubs, receipts, etc.
- Media specific sketchbooks
- Choose a sketchbook by the type of paper, the binding, the cover
- Soft cover sketchbooks
- Hard bound sketchbooks
- Size of a sketchbook impacts how you use it
- Sketchbooks that are just for writing and planning
- Having a “whatever” sketchbook
- Media that won’t smudge or make a mess in a sketchbook

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