See different ways Liquid Sculpey can be used by artists to create various shapes and forms that can be manipulated into a number of ways.
- 40 min. video (liquid sculpey)
- 3D art supplies playlist
- Compleat Sculptor playlist
Liquid Sculpey is incredibly versatile, and can be used in many diverse and exciting ways.
Demo by Art Prof Clara Lieu and Teaching Artist Deepti Menon.
Video Walkthrough
- When trying a new art supply, it can be fun to dive into the supply totally blind and experiment.
- Looking up projects online on how to use the art supply can be helpful, but often times the most effective way to get to know a material is through experimentation.
- Working with another artist while trying a new art supply is effective. You can bounce ideas off each other on the different ways the new art supply can be applied.
- Liquid Sculpey® comes in a wide range of colors, metallics, transparencies, and glow-in-the dark.
- Liquid Sculpey® can be used to embellish polymer clay pieces, as grout, for image transfers, window clings, and much more.
- Liquid Sculpey® can be thinned with Sculpey® Clay Softener
- Liquid Sculpey® is an incredibly versatile material.
- You can draw on Liquid Sculpey® with a sharpie and ballpoint pen.
- You can layer Liquid Sculpey® onto a sheet of aluminum foil or a silicone mat to get a wide range of effects.
- After Liquid Sculpey® has been baked, you can cut it with a pair of scissors or an X-acto knife to get playful collage shapes.
- Liquid Sculpey® works really well in Sculpey Tools™ Oven-Safe Molds, where you can get casts that have very tiny details.
- You can put two colors of Liquid Sculpey® together, and then swirl them together to create a marble effect, similar to papermaking techniques.

Art Supplies
- Liquid Sculpey
- Silicone Mixing Set
- Liquid Sculpey® Multi-Pack – Metallics
- Sculpey Tools™ Oven-Safe Molds: Geometric Jewelry Mold
- Sculpey Tools™ Oven-Safe Molds: Mandala
- Sculpey Tools™ Oven-Safe Molds: Lace
- Sculpey® Clay Softener
Materials provided by
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