This video is a drawing demo and a brief discussion on how to draw clothing, focusing on the diaper fold.
There are several different fold types: pipe fold, moving fold, half lock fold, dead fold, diaper fold, zig zag fold, and spiral fold.
The draw demo shows techniques for drawing in Procreate and with colored pencils. It shows how to draw diaper folds while also talking about the challenges of drawing clothing and providing advice for how to start.
Discussion and drawing demo by Art Prof Clara Lieu and Teaching Artist Jordan McCracken-Foster.
Video Walkthrough
- Reviewing all the fold types
- Pipe folds have thick, round, cylindrical shaped folds.
- Moving folds defy gravity.
- Dead folds are random folds that sit on the floor.
- Zig zag folds are usually around a cylindrical form like sleeves.
- Spiral folds wrap around a cylindrical form in a spiral.
- Half lock folds are usually seen at a joint like an elbow.
- A diaper fold has 2 points of tension, with soft folds in between those 2 points.
- There is a quintessential academic drawing of a diaper fold.
- Dresses from the Victorian era tend to have diaper folds.
- Learning to identify these folds is half the battle when drawing them.
- Diaper folds are often seen in curtains.
- Many situations have diaper folds that are grouped with other folds.
- Drawing the full figure is really helpful when drawing the clothing, don’t just draw parts of the body.
- When you draw pieces of the figure you’ll lose the gesture.
- Kritios Boy is classic example of contrapposto poses.
- Look at how the weight is distributed in a contrapposto pose.
- Clavicles are bony landmarks you can search for in the anatomy.
- Drawing on black paper makes it easier to draw with colored pencil.

Art Supplies
- Faber-Castell Albrecht Durer Artist Watercolor Pencils
- Legion Lenox Paper Pad
- Utility Knife
- Caran d’Ache Neocolor I Crayons
Materials Provided by
Reference Photos
Books mentioned
Drawing Clothing
- Pipe Folds
- Diaper Folds
- Moving Folds
- Dead Folds
- Zig Zag Folds
- Half Lock Folds
- Spiral Folds

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