This video shows a wide range of techniques and tools for creating abstract paintings in acrylic paint.
- 1 min. short (quinacridone orange)
- 1 min. short (thick acrylic mediums)
- 1 min. short (thin acrylic mediums)
- 1 min. short (filbert brushes)
- 1 min. short (storing acrylics)
- 4 min. version (summary)
- 2 hour version (tutorial)
- 1 min. short (brush sizes)
- 1 min. short (universal pigment #s)
- 3 min. video (glass palettes)
You’ll see how to create many visual effects in acrylic paint like how to achieve various types of textures, lines, strokes, and other unconventional tools.
All of these techniques can be used to create a visual language to create abstract paintings. Demo by Art Prof Clara Lieu.
Art Supplies
- Flat Brush
- Varying pressure in a brush
- Fan brush
- Stippling
- Toothbrush
- Finger painting
- Matte medium
- Sponges
- Saran wrap
- Bubble wrap
- Aluminum foil
- Yarn & Twine
- “Expressive brushstrokes”
- Painting a gradient
- Pantyhose
- Q-Tips
- Pom Poms
- Cardboard
- Tree branches
- Scratching tools
- Plastic fork
- Plastic knife
- Comb
- Back end of a brush
- Sculpture tools
- Glazing with matte medium
- Palette Knives
- Coarse Pumice Gel
- Squeezing from the tube
- Glass Bead Gel
- Heavy Gel Matte
- Coffee Grounds
- Heavy Gel Matte for Piping
- Pastry Bag
- Piping
- Stencils
- Tape
Emily’s Tips
I’ve only been making art for a couple years, so I would rather go through several more awkward, ugly, or experimental phases for several more years.

This is for the sake of my own development than settle right away into what people think I should do to please the highest number of people.
Emily is a moderator in our Discord server.
Art Supplies
- Acrylic paint, preferably heavy body
- Golden Acryl Med 16 Oz Heavy Gel Matte
- Golden 8 Oz Coarse Pumice Gel
- Golden Acryl Med 16 Oz Glass Bead Gel
- Liquitex Matte Medium
- Winsor & Newton Winton Fan Brush
- Utility Knife
- Plastic Sculpting Tools
- Metal Kemper Sculpture Tool
- Kroma Krackle
- Freezer Paper
- Palette Knife
- Blue Painter’s Tape
- Printmaking Breyer
- Sharpie Marker
- Fredrix Canvas Panels, 5″ x 7″
- Legion Yupo Paper, Heavy
- B074Q2C33Q Canson XL Series Rough Mix Media, 9″ x 12″
- Wilton Disposable Pastry Bags
Other supplies
- aluminum foil
- saran wrap
- panty hose
- bubble wrap
- cheese cloth
- paper towels
- cardboard toilet paper tube
- sponges
- comb
- plastic fork & knife
- plastic condiment cup containers
- sandpaper
- popsicle sticks
- yarn, twine
- Q-tips
- pom poms
- toothbrush
- corrugated cardboard
- coffee grounds
- kosher salt
- straw
- tree branch
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