This 2 week workshop will explore the fundamentals skills to create a character design: story, shape language, clothing, color schemes, expressions, poses, and more.
You’ll learn techniques for quick sketches, ideation, thumbnail sketches, and color exercises for creating your characters.
Enrollment is closed
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Watch a Sample Workshop
“I had never done a voice session in Discord before, and I thought it would be more awkward than, say, a zoom call- but I actually loved it.
The way it was run was really organized, and I was able to have the voice session running on my computer while I used my phone to send pictures to the chat.“
How it Works

Week 1: Before the Live session
- The workshop channel in our Discord opens.
- You’ll get to share your past artworks, and Prof Lieu will review your artworks so we get acquainted before the live session.
- Prof Lieu will provide recommendations for what skills you can work on, as well as what to do during the 3 hour live session, if you want it.

Discord Tech Support
- If Discord is new to you, don’t worry, you’ll have plenty of assistance!
- You are required to join our Discord to participate.
- We ask that you join a few days before the 3 hour live session so we can provide assistance, and make the live session run as smoothly as possible for you.

- Our main workshop guide has logistics and step by step instructions, but the most effective way to get set up is to join early so we have time to troubleshoot things.
- Prof Lieu will hold your hand as much as you need through the tech, and answer your questions.

Workshop Guides
- Guide #1: Nuts and bolts of how workshops run and tech on Discord.
- Guide #2: Specific to the workshop topic with resources, prompts, art supplies, and more.
- Option #1: choose yourself what you want to explore.
- Option #2: Prof Lieu can make recommendations for as much, or as little structure as you would like.
- Our prompts are a combination of art along videos, lesson plans, our reference photo collection, timed videos, and more.
- We provide everything you’ll need to work on a prompt.

Art Supplies
- Option #1: use any art supplies you would like.
- Option #2: if you’re not sure, the workshop guide provides concrete specifics on recommended supplies.
- There is a 1 week period in the Discord where you can Prof Lieu questions about supplies that aren’t covered in the workshop guide.

Live Session Breakdown by Hour
Hours 1 & 2: Studio
- Students work on their artworks, and post their progress at various intervals, into the workshop channel.
- You’ll get to chat 1on 1 on voice with Prof Lieu, who will provide suggestions and critiques.
10 min. Break
Hour 3: Critique
- You’ll chat with Prof Lieu 1on 1 about your progress during the live session.
- Other participants are encouraged to type comments to each other in the workshop channel. (this is not required)

Workshop Recording
- A recording of the live session will be available for participants.
- The recording is not available to the public.
Week 2: After the Live Session
- Many participants will finish an artwork they started during a live session, or create new pieces related to the workshop topic.
- Prof Lieu will provide feedback and follow up on resources or other questions.

Email Summary
- You’ll receive an email from Prof Lieu, where she will summarize your progress in the workshop, and also provide suggestions for how to move forward.
- See a sample email below.

“Overall, I had a great experience using discord. I didn’t have to take notes! All the knowledge and conversations are saved, to be accessed at later times. The people in the workshop were very open and helpful to bring up topics I wouldn’t dream of thinking of.“

“I found that the resources were extremely detailed and I could prepare for the workshop beforehand. (read the workshop guide and have a look at the presentation)
It was all so extremely detailed and well-prepared. You could see that your team put a lot of effort and time in everything. I am a sucker for good teaching materials and the quality of everything stood out. I just booked my next workshop.”
Student info
- Limit 12 students.
- Enrollment is first come, first serve.
- You are required to join our Discord to participate.
- You’ll receive an email on whether the workshop is running.
- This email will arrive by the Wednesday after the Friday registration deadline.
- If the workshop does not run, you will receive a full refund no later than a week from the Friday registration deadline.

- All payments are non-refundable if the workshop runs.
- You must join our Discord at least 24 hours before the workshop starts. There are no refunds if you do not join within this time frame.
- There are no refunds if a student is late, or does not attend the workshop for any reason.
- We only issue refunds if the workshop does not run due to lack of enrollment.
- Questions? Contact us.