The Painting Basics Track will help you develop a foundation for painting, covering basic skills like color theory, brush technique composition, transparent vs. opaque paint, and more.
Lesson 1 • Lesson 2 • Lesson 3
Lesson 4 • Lesson 5 • Lesson 6
You’ll get to jump around between figurative, abstraction, landscape, and still life topics to expand your personal repertoire in painting.

Do the track at your own pace! Taking the time to process the content is important, and so we don’t advise putting pressure on yourself to finish the track quickly.
Remember to have fun and enjoy the process of learning.
Paint Media
Visit these pages for supply lists: watercolor, gouache, acryl gouache, oils, water mixable oils, acrylics.
Part 1 of our Painting curriculum explains different types of paint. We recommend using the same paint media for the entire track to provide consistency and depth of practice.
Lesson 1

Choose a painting from history or contemporary art and create a mastercopy of that painting.
Lesson 2

Create a painting based on the sky to experiment with brush technique and color.
Lesson 3

Set up a still life with white object. Paint the still life, focusing mixing to achieve subtle shifts of white tones.
Lesson 4

Listen to a sound effect, and create an abstract painting as a reaction to that sound effect.
Lesson 5

Paint a rose by investigating the forms and spaces inside the rose and the gesture of the rose as if it were a figure.
Lesson 6

Choose a an underwater creature: fish, crabs, lobsters, etc. and aim to capture the wide range of textures and forms.

- Submit your track artworks here.
- We’ll feature your artwork in a live stream!
- We’ll add you to our student galleries.