Art Prof Clara Lieu visits Goblin Valley in Southern Utah, where she paints 2 landscape paintings on site, blending watercolors and alcohol based brush pens.
- 1 min. short (details in watercolor)
- 2 min. version (mushrooms)
- 46 min. version (Goblin Valley + mushrooms)
Next, Prof Lieu goes mushroom hunting with family in the mountains, bringing back gigantic mushrooms which serve as still life subjects to explore watercolor techniques including dry brushing and diverse actions with sumi brushes.
Video Walkthrough
- Goblin Valley
- Watercolor is all about control
- Combining brush pens & watercolor
- Textures at Goblin Valley
- Lighting at Goblin Valley
- Stoner dudes at Goblin Valley
- Scale in Utah landscapes
- Fishing at Pine Lake
- Coral Pink Sand Dunes
- Mushrooms watercolor sketches
- Starting with a dry, thin brush
- Brush grip
- How to use the white of the page
- Trying not to overwork the art
- Andrew Wyeth & dry brushing
- Dry brushing technique

Art Supplies
- Winsor & Newton watercolor tubes
- Tombow ABT PRO brush pens
- Winsor & Newton Cotman Water Colour Compact Set
- Plastic Palette
- Winsor & Newton Watercolor Block, cold pressed
- Sumi brushes
- Faber-Castell Clic & Go Foldable Water Pot
Materials provided by
Artists Mentioned
- Winslow Homer
- Andrew Wyeth
Reference Photos
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