See how to draw Sarah Bernhardt cookies with colored pencil!
- 1 min. version (summary)
- 1 min. video (Rosca de Reyes)
- 59 min. version (tutorial)
- Bread Fairy playlist
- Colored pencil area
Drawing techniques of how to use several reference photos to create a number of thumbnail sketches in order to figure out the composition, and then transferring this to the final drawing are explained.
Methods for using colored pencil include how to layer and build up colors, how to choose what colors to create the sense of light in the scene, and more are demonstrated and explored. Demo led by Art Prof Clara Lieu.
Video Walkthrough
- These cookies are named after Sarah Bernhardt, who was a French Stage actress in the late 19th and early 20th century.
- Having a pre-determined image in your mind of what you want your artwork to look like can set you up for frustration.
- Instead of having a visual in your head as the goal, have a goal about what you want the artwork to address, whether it’s an emotion or scene.
- How to use a composite of 3 reference photos to create a composition for this drawing.
- For example: Prof Lieu’s goal in her drawing of bread rolls was to convey the warmth and aroma of the bread.
- The drawing process can be unpredictable, but you can surprise yourself and embrace that surprise!
- How to sharpen a colored pencil with a utility knife.
- Keeping the colored pencil blunt to cover large areas faster.
- Noticing the complex lighting situation with reflected light.
- Varying the physical pressure with the colored pencil keeps the drawing marks from becoming monotonous.
Art Supplies
- Faber-Castell Albrecht Durer Artist Watercolor Pencils (36 Pack)
- Utility Knife
- Caran d’ache Necolor I Crayons
- Stonehenge Aqua Black Paper

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