Write 3 artist statements of varying lengths, that provide insight into your art practice and materials. You can write the statements so they encompass your overall practice, or statements that are focused on one specific project.

1 sentence statement
This is your elevator pitch: what if you have 2 min. with something at an event? Sum up your art practice in 1 sentence. Hint: this is the hardest of the 2 statements.
1 paragraph statement
This is a statement that would go on your website, when you’re in a group exhibition, and more. You want to get to the point, but there is room for more explanation here.
3 paragraph statement
A statement of this length would likely be for a project proposal, for a grant application, or for an exhibition catalog. This statement should provide insight into your work that is in depth and specific.

sample artist statements
Scroll to the bottom of this page to read sample artist statements.
- Determine whether to write in 1st or 3rd person.
- Make a list of “key words” related to your art practice.
- Try “word vomit,” where you write down everything that comes to your mind, no matter how idiotic it sounds, then sift through that mess and pick out the parts that may be useful.

- Proofread your statement your statement.
- Address both your process and subject matter.
- Keep your language simple!
How to Write an Artist Statement
This video provides concrete, practical tips for how to write an artist statement. Writing an artist statement can be tough; being asked to verbally articulate ideas that we are used to expressing with visual media is challenging.
Topics covered include critical components of an artist statement, how to write succinctly, as well as options for adapting a specific voice.
Different versions of your artist statement are discussed as well: a short version for your artist website, a 1 paragraph version for artist grants, and more detailed, in depth proposals that can be used for artist grant applications. Discussion led by Art Prof Clara Lieu.
- Watch the 3 min version
- Watch the 51 min version
- Video Walkthrough & Written Article
Does My Art Need Deep Meaning?
Many artists wonder whether their art has to have “deep meaning” to be valid. Does art have to have a meaningful message in order to be art, or can art be a purely visual experience for the artist and viewer?
Who determines what art needs to have, the artist, the audience, both? Discussion led by Art Prof Clara Lieu and Teaching Artists Cat Huang and Lauryn Welch.