Part 1 of a complete guide to running an art business as a self-taught artist. This video addresses the reality of how consuming running an art business can be
Discussed is the importance of determining your audience, figuring out exactly what you do (and don’t!) want to sell, how to research the market, how to price your artwork, and much more.
Discussion led by Art Prof Clara Lieu and Teaching Artist Lauryn Welch.

Video Walkthrough
- Do I want to combine business with my art?
- Business skills aren’t art skills
- A business takes time to grow
- Who is your audience?
- What do you want to sell?
- What do you not want to sell?
- Research the industries
- Work & life balance
- Freelancing
- Commissions
- Pricing your art
Prof Lieu’s Tips

In many art fields, there are really set paths that people are expected to do in order to be deemed “successful.” While that works for some people, not everybody has the same access to opportunities that make those paths possible!

That’s where you have to start to get innovative and ask yourself what you can do, with what you have.
In every art field there is an ebb and flow in terms of what is desired. I was telling Lauryn the other day that I was born in the wrong decade.

When I was in graduate school, figure painting was not popular at all. Now figure painting is really trendy.