Coptic Stitch Bookbinding is a beautiful way to create a handmade sketchbook.
This video demonstrates the Coptic stitch on a large scale book model, providing very clear and easy to follow step by step instructions.

Different options for bookbinding materials and specialized tools like a bone folder and curved needles are explained.
Demo led by Teaching Artist Eloise Sherrid and Art Prof Clara Lieu.
Video Walkthrough
- What is a Sketchbook?
- Why Bind Your Own Sketchbook?
- Curved Vs. Straight Needles
- Types of Threads
- Threading the Needle
- Trimming the Paper
- Paper vs. -Fabric for Covers
- Bone Folder
- Bookbinding Cloth
- Hole Placement
- Punching Holes
- Creating “Signatures”
- Fixing a Loose Thread

Art Supplies
- Bookbinding Needle
- Bookbinding Cloth
- Beeswax
- Awl
- Waxed Thread
- Scissors
- Tall Plastic Container for water
- Ruler
- Pencil
Materials provided by

I have a “2 week” rule, as in when I make an artwork, I put it somewhere where I can’t see it, and then when I come back it’s much easier to see with a fresh pair of eyes.
Otherwise I will “babysit” the artwork and look at it waaaaaay too much

I think most of us want to see visible progress, but when you think about it, significant progress really cannot happen within 1 week.
That’s why it’s nice to revisit old artworks from several years ago, you realize, wow, I did improve!

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