See how an animation of a snail is made in 1 hour in Procreate! Using basic techniques in Procreate is a quick way to whip up a fun, simple animation of a snail character.
- 1 min. video (Spongebob cel)
- Animation Curriculum
Inspiration is taken from our reference photos of snails, available on our free reference photo collection on Flickr.
Demo led by Teaching Artist Deepti Menon and Art Prof Clara Lieu.
Video Walkthrough
- Animation doesn’t have to be done with complicated software
- Animation can be simple and fast
- Animals without limbs are easier to animate
- “Chatter” technique: drawing the same image on many frames
- “Ping Pong” setting in Procreate’s Animation Assist
- Clean lines vs. Rough lines in animation
- Background layer in Procreate
- “Onion skin” in Procreate
- Incremental changes in frames create a smoother motion
- Learning animation principles matters more than the software you use
- “Chatter” is good for building anticipation in the animation
- Adobe Animate vs. Procreate
- Animation in Procreate vs. in Photoshop

Reference Photos
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