Art Prof Clara Lieu announces the results of the 2021 February Art Dare: “Elements of Art IRL,” where participants were asked to see the Elements of Art in real life, and then take photos of where you see these elements in your everyday life. Prize Winner Nana (Sweden)@thetactility I only quite recently got myself a […]
Category: Art Dares
Submissions are closed. Art Dare Prompt Where do you SEE the Elements of Art in real life? Watch our videos on Value, Texture, Line, and Shape and then take photos of where you see these elements in your everyday life. This is a photo challenge! To complete this art dare, you’ll need to shoot at least 4 photos, 1 photo for […]
Art Prof Clara Lieu and Teaching Artist Lauryn Welch announce the results of the 2021 January Art Dare: “Paper Trail Collages,” where participants were asked to make a personal map of how they read a newspaper using traditional or digital collage. Prize Winner Crosby Morrow (USA)@kind2creatures While admittedly I am not a newspaper reader (although […]
Submissions are closed. Art Dare Prompt Make a personal map of how you read a newspaper using traditional or digital collage. Or combine them! Inspiration