AI art has the potential to dramatically change the art world, but will AI’s impact be destructive for artists and their careers? Or will AI simply be another tool employed by artists?
- 52 second short (Advocate for Human Artists)
- 44 min. video
- 47 min. video (Protect Yourself from AI)
This video discusses an AI artwork by Jason Allen that won an award in a Colorado State Fair, and the implications that has on the future of AI art.
Discussion led by Art Prof Clara Lieu and Teaching Artist Lauryn Welch.

Video Walkthrough
- Jason Allen’s AI artwork won in the digital art category at the Colorado State Fair, which caused a lot of media and strong reactions by artists.
- A lot of the AI artwork made is within the same realm: sci fi fantasy digital illustration is mostly what is visible at this point in time.
- Creating an AI artwork doesn’t happen in seconds, specific words have to be chosen to get the desired result, and an artist may have to go through hundreds of images to get what they want.
- AI will never work in the context of doing character design, story boarding at an animation studio.
- The hard truth is that no one cares how long an artist spends on an artwork.
- AI is very new technology, it will likely find it’s place in the art world.
- One possibility is AI being a separate category from digital art.
- AI has a lot of potential for brainstorming ideas, compositions in the preliminary parts of an artwork.
- AI can show lots of options for compositions quickly that might be a good place to get started with an artwork.
- AI doesn’t do a good job of generating faces, there is a lot of the uncanny valley in AI portraits.
- There will always be room for traditional art, AI art is not going to decimate an entire art industry, rather it is another tool that will eventually find it’s place in the art world.
Deepti’s Tips

AI is missing that human touch, literally. There’s so much that we bring to the table that I truly don’t feel AI can replicate.

As someone who also works in the animation industry, it feels scary, but I try and think of it more as a tool that’s going to help me, or that I can manipulate and learn to use for my own benefit, rather than something that will hurt my career.
Articles mentioned
- New York Times: AI-Generated Art Won a Prize. Artists Aren’t Happy
- BBC News: “Art is dead Dude” – the rise of the AI artists stirs debate
- Washington Post: He used AI to win a fine-arts competition. Was it cheating?
- Vice: An AI-Generated Artwork Won First Place at a State Fair Fine Arts Competition, and Artists Are Pissed

Artists mentioned
- Jason Allen
- Kadir Nelson
AI Sites

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