This video explains best practices for teaching studio art online that can be applied to any teaching context.
Topics address include how to choose your online platforms, the high impact of streaming live video, generational gaps between how teachers and students use the Internet, and more.
Discussion led by Art Prof Clara Lieu.

Video Walkthrough
- Find the silver linings of remote lear
- Hard truths of remote learning
- Avoid band-aid solutions
- Find long terms solutions
- When to use email with students
- Show that you are prompt with replies
- Use platforms for what they are made to do
- Consolidate platforms
- Generational gaps in Internet usage
- Most students view content on a phone first
- Platform can be used poorly or well
- Privacy & security on platforms
- Create spaces for socializing
- Student video watching habits
- Don’t do edited, pre-recorded videos
- Avoid editing at all costs
- There is no shame in using other people’s videos
- Contextualize other people’s videos with your suggestions
- Audio quality is more important than video quality
- Video is not always better
- OBS (streaming software)
- Advantages of live video
- Live Draw along tutorials
- Watch other people’s livestreams
- OBS features
- OBS connects to YouTube
- Physical set up for doing a hands on demo
- Home art supplies
- Photos of project examples matter
- Online critiques
- Do 1:1 audio calls with students
- How to run a group call
- Ongoing group chat critiques
- Schedule live office hours
- Remote learning resources on Art Prof

Faculty training lectures
Prof Lieu is available to do lectures on remote teaching and other topics for faculty training and professional development for artists.
Learn more or email

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