Who knew that there are bread rolls that wear lingerie! Watch this drawing demo of sexy bread rolls, showing how to draw with colored pencil and crayons on black watercolor paper.
- 1 min. video (Rosca de Reyes)
- 1 min. video (tea eggs)
- 90 min. video (sexy bread)
- Bread Fairy playlist
- Colored pencil area
Techniques for drawing small details like the lace in the “bread lingerie” as well as showing the round form and saturated color of the bread rolls are explained. Demo led by Art Prof Clara Lieu.
Video Walkthrough
- How to sharpen a colored pencil with a utility knife.
- Keeping the colored pencil blunt to cover large areas faster.
- Starting out by blocking in the negative space that surrounds the main subject matter.
- What is rendering? Very soft, blended strokes that do not visibly show your pencil strokes.
- If you want to be bolder with your drawing process, turn off your brain and “stop caring”!
- Often if we think too much while we are drawing we tend to nitpick and judge ourselves too much.
- Drawing on black paper “fills in” the drawing for you.
- Build up different thicknesses of colored pencil, light areas can be thicker while dark areas can be very thin.
- Lighting is critical to showing convincing three-dimensional form in a drawing.
- Varying the physical pressure with the colored pencil.
- Using shapes and colors around an object to define the edge.
- Changing the placement of the objects from the reference photo.
Prof Lieu’s Tips

Sustained drawings are much harder than gesture drawings! People often think longer drawings are harder than gesture drawings, because in theory you can take your time, but I find them a lot more difficult. Plus, a sustained drawing is an investment.

If you do a 5 min. sketch that looks crappy, it’s fine because you only spent 5 min on it. If you spend several hours on a drawing and you don’t like it, that’s not a good feeling for anybody.
Art Supplies
- Faber-Castell Albrecht Durer Artist Watercolor Pencils (36 Pack)
- Utility Knife
- Caran d’ache Necolor I Crayons
- Stonehenge Aqua Black Paper
Materials provided by
Reference Photos
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