This videos provides simple art prompts that can be done in literally 10 minutes so self-taught artists can jump start their studio art practice.
These are prompts are easy, accessible, and quick to start with bare bones art supplies.
Sometimes the toughest part of the creative process is getting started. These prompts will get your hand moving in a low pressure way. Discussion led by Art Prof Clara Lieu and Teaching Artists Deepti Menon and Alex Rowe.

10 min. Art Prompts
- Blind Contour Portraits
- Sketch while watching TV/Movies
- Draw Alongs, YouTube Playlist
- Write down something you hear someone say, and then illustrate it.
- Rapid Fire Drawing / PDF Charts
- Brainstorming: Mind Maps
- Draw sketch notes from a video
- Visual Journaling
Prof Lieu’s Tips

Choosing a topic is actually really challenging, often people think that a more open ended prompts is doing to be “easier” than a structured one, but that is rarely the case.

If the prompt tells you to draw a skull, the decision has already been made for you and its straightforward.
When the prompt is open ended, it’s tricky! Many of us have so many options to choose from, that choosing is challenging!
Video Walkthrough
- Leave your art supplies out, your sketchbook on the table.
- There’s always a reason or excuse we can make to not get started, its important to find ways to deal with that!
- Getting started is often the most difficult part of the process.
- Even prompts that seem absurdly easy can help you learn.
- You don’t have to show the results of any of these prompts to anyone!!
- Prompts get you to try styles that you aren’t familiar with.
- By starting a prompt, you can “trick yourself” into working longer.
- No one has perfect, beautiful sketchbooks.
- “Thinking” prompts can exercise another part of your art practice.
- Collage is a great starting point for any artwork, you can react to the colors and shapes in the collage.

- Deepti’s selfie sketch
- Prof Lieu draws her guinea pigs
- Muybridge gesture drawing tutorial
- Gesture drawings of hands tutorial
- Blind contour self-portrait demo
- Sketching from TV/Movies tutorial
- Visual journaling tutorial
- Art Dare: Ink Blots
Artists & Films mentioned
Books mentioned
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