Illustration Curriculum 1

This video provides a comprehensive illustration curriculum for self-taught artists.

In part 1, topics explained include the various areas of the illustration industry: children’s books, editorial, comics, political cartoons, adult books, and more.

Illustration prompts you can give yourself are covered as are illustration websites and conferences. Essential skills illustrators need such as linear perspective, color theory, drawing clothing, and are talked about. 

Discussion led by Art Prof Clara Lieu and Teaching Artists Alex Rowe and Cat Huang.

Pen & Ink Wash Illustration, banner
Pen & Ink Wash Illustration

Video Walkthrough

Imagined Environment Illustration, banner
Ballpoint Pen & Watercolor: Imagined Environment
Alex Kiesling
Alex Kiesling
Children’s Books Mentioned
Publications Mentioned
Wordless Picture Books
Comics Mentioned
Adult Books Mentioned
Mia Rozear, Tarot Card Illustration
Mia Rozear


The complete Illustration for Self-taught Artists Curriculum document links to every video that expands on the topics touched here.

Full Curriculum

Overview · Illustration 1 · Illustration 2

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