This video explains SHAPE, one of the Elements of Art.
Shape can be a powerful visual tool for creating dynamic compositions. Examples of illustrations, paintings, sculptures, and more are shown, where shape plays an integral role.
Discussion led by Art Prof Clara Lieu and Teaching Artist Deepti Menon.

Video Walkthrough
- Shapes can be powerful visuals
- Shapes can tell narratives
- Shapes as symbols
- Silhouette of characters
- Role of shape in character design
- Variety in a group of shapes
- Shapes can be powerful visuals
- Shapes can tell narratives
- Shapes as symbols
- Silhouette of characters
- Role of shape in character design
- Variety in a group of shapes
- Height of shapes in a group
- Shape in collage & sculpture
- Shape in architecture
- The “personality” of a shape
- Organic vs geometrical shapes
- Intaglio Prints: Mezzotints
Prof Lieu’s Tips

Everything in the composition impacts, and is related to other things in the composition.
I think when we’re working on an artwork, it’s so easy to get caught up in one section, (especially the “fun” parts that we love working on) we forget to move around and develop everything at the same rate.

That distribution of our attention and time is so important though, and a composition can quickly fragment if we isolate ourselves to one part of the artwork.
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