Get tips for how to sell your art at an art or craft fair!
- 11 second short (buy from artists
- 14 second short (small items)
- 41 second short
- 50 second short
- 43 min. version
This video explains many options for ways to maximize your sales, including the price range of your artworks, what types of artwork to sell (merch, prints, original artworks) as well as the logistics of how to present and package your artwork.
Discussion led by Art Prof Clara Lieu and Teaching Artists Lauryn Welch and Deepti Menon.

Video Walkthrough
- Sell at different price points, those $1 stickers will add up!
- Consider bundle discounts (buy 2 prints, get the 3rd 50% off)
- Make cute signs to draw people in!
- Is there something “in the moment” you can offer like live drawing?
- Art fairs can be exhausting!
- Have a friend bring you food & take over for a bathroom break
- Sharing a table helps with fees and brings double the audience
- Bring business cards
- Have a commission sheet available
- Have an email sign up list
- Use the vertical space with displays
- Decide your payment method
- Paypal? Square? Change for cash?
- Does the state you’re in require that you file for sales tax?
- Practice setting up beforehand so you know what you need to do
- Give yourself ample time to set up
- Supplies to have on hand: tape, a marker, card reader, folding chair, table, tent, display items, bags, plastic sleeves, packing material, business cards, signs, calculator, phone charger, water bottle.

Emily’s Tips
I do like to listen to just about anything people have to say about my art, especially if it’s coming from a place of engagement, enthusiasm, or encouragement.

The tricky part is letting myself hear it, and maybe even try acting on it a little, but not letting it entirely take over how I think about things, and not confusing it with my own thoughts.
Emily is a moderator in our Discord server.