What is a “bad” illustration? This video shows a broad range of illustrations, and the opinions of several artists as to why the artworks are effective or not.

The thoughts of each artist on the illustrations then stimulates a discussion on why a specific illustration is successful or not.

Discussion led by Art Prof Clara Lieu and Teaching Artists Jordan McCracken-Foster and Cat Huang.

Mia Rozear
Mia Rozear

Video Walkthrough

  • Collage techniques
  • Unusual collage materials
  • Variety of textures in collage
  • Book illustration is grouped by age
  • Is it fair to judge a book cover of a book you haven’t read?
  • An illustration can reveal too much
  • An effective illustration suggests the narrative without being too obvious
  • Illustrations for books often need to be seen in context
  • Does an illustration need realistic lighting to be convincing?
  • Does the illustration match the emotional tone of the story?
  • Integration of text and image in book covers
  • Book covers are necessary to entice someone to pick up the book
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Mia Rozear

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