I’m so happy I have managed to worm my way into museums to show you special things that aren’t accessible to the public. Jordan is getting married! I’ve got another chance to do that! The staff and I are going to Los Angeles, CA for Jordan’s wedding – but – I really want to stay […]
Category: Learn & Create
In this 2 week workshop we will focus on learning fundamentals of oil painting, using a range of oil techniques: water mixable oils, solvent free, and traditional techniques. Enrollment is open! Prof LieuSaturday, March 2912-3pm EST$60 USD Register *If you have taken a workshop before, you can skip the form Registration is due Friday, Feb […]
Day 1 Supplies Gouache Artists Gouache resources Holbein Gouache Reference photo Inspiration Day 2 M. Graham gouache set Supplies Gouache Artists Gouache resources Reference photo Inspiration Day 3 Daniel Smith gouache set Supplies Gouache Artists Gouache resources Reference photos Inspiration
This 2 week workshop will cover the basics of figure drawing. Gestural movements will combined with study of the anatomical structures of the figure. We’ll discuss the role of anatomy in figure drawing, how to go about studying it in an efficient manner, and how to best it apply it within the context of drawing. […]
Our ebooks are comprehensive guides which are packed with combinations of step by step instructions, diagrams, written paragraphs, images, short tutorials, and more. These ebooks are a collaborative effort, developed and written by our staff of 7 professional artists in diverse art fields. Hear multiple points of view on a topic which provide an enriching […]
Bread Fairy PrintsProf Lieu Shadow BoxersJordan Black Top MarketDorian Original ArtworkProf Lieu Prints & OriginalsMia Fine Art PrintsProf Lieu
A mini critique is a low pressure chance to get a snippet of feedback from Prof Lieu. Sample Mini Critiques Why a mini critique? Who are mini critiques for? Rates 1 artwork, 3 min.$40 USDPaypal or Venmo, @artprof 2 artworks, 6 min.$70 USDPaypal or Venmo, @artprof 3 artworks, 9 min.$85 USDPaypal or Venmo, @artprof 4 artworks, 12 min.$99 USDPaypal or Venmo, @artprof […]
Óbidos We climbed this tall wall on the castle perimeter which gave us a stunning view of the city. We climbed this tall wall on the castle perimeter which gave us a stunning view of the city. Pastéis de Belém We climbed this tall wall on the castle perimeter which gave us a stunning view […]
Most of what we need to run Art Prof is quite… unsexy, but absolutely necessary so our content can stay free for everyone. You can cover 1 of these unsexy expenses below! We were able to produce this content below because of your contributions! museums art stores printmaking Expenses Expenses are 1/7 of our budget, […]
Open Studios is a feature of our Art Club. This is a casual voice session where you can work on your own projects and get feedback from our staff in real time. Watch a sample session ~ During the voice session ~ Contact This is an opportunity to learn and be inspired by a small […]
Digital collages will help you use your reference photos more effectively in your paintings. You’ll be able to create more ambitious compositions, and test of a ton of options quickly, and thereby get more diverse layouts. Demo by Art Prof Clara Lieu. Video Walkthrough As a free educational source, Art Prof uses Amazon affiliate links […]
We have discontinued this group, below are other options for support! BFA programs mfa programs
Does the rule of thirds actually work? Or is it a bad technique that will limit what you can do with composition as an artist? Explained are the pros and cons of the rule of thirds, and the challenges of learning skills in composition. Discussion led by Art Prof Clara Lieu and Teaching Artists Jordan […]
Reed & wire are quick and easy materials to get started with 3D. See a demo on how to use these materials to construct a lively, dynamic sculpture. Demo by Art Prof Clara Lieu & Mia Rozear. Thank you to Cobalt Counseling for sponsoring this video!! Video Walkthrough Prof Lieu’s Tips I’ve talked to a […]
See a step by step demo of the woodcut process, a relief printmaking technique from beginning to end. You’ll see comprehensive explanations of tools, types of wood, carving, inking, hand printing, pin registration, preparing paper, and more. Demo by Art Prof Clara Lieu. Thank you to our sponsor! Thank you to Arielle Finberg for sponsoring […]
See step by step how to construct sculptures using styrofoam cups and hot glue. Fundamentals like shape, overlap, negative space, and creating dynamic movement are explained, in addition to cutting techniques and ways to assemble the sculptures. Demo by Art Prof Clara Lieu with Teaching Artist Mia Rozear. Video Walkthrough Art Supplies Caution Utility Knives […]
See step by step tutorial on how you can use stencils with gelli plates. Shown in this video is how to cut and design stencils, techniques for rolling ink onto the gelli plate, including rainbow rolls, and how to layer 1, 2, and 3 colors within a single print. Materials like printmaking paper, Dura-lar, breyers […]
Every once in a while, something absolutely wonderful, that I never even dreamed of, emerges out of nowhere. I recently produced a video on Citra Solv image transfers. This video is a result of a very generous member of our community reached out to me, and offered to sponsor this video. (this person has chosen […]
Sponsoring a video is a wonderful gesture you can make to enrich our global community of artists. Read about the impact a sponsorship. Travel Videos We will show up in any country, if you can provide transportation and accommodations! Our trip to Bodie Historic Park in Mammoth Lakes, California was made possible by a generous […]
See how to create an original illustration from the initial brainstorming stages all the way to the completed digital painting in Photoshop. This video discusses basic techniques in Photoshop for drawing thumbnail sketches, blocking in colors, shading, creating a convincing sense of light and shadow, and details. Also included is a demonstration of how to […]
Art Prof Clara Lieu demonstrates how to do drawings of a heads using Conté Crayon. Prof Lieu explains how sketch the essential bony structures of the skull, and then how to knock in big patches of tone to give the head mass and weight. Video Walkthrough Reference Photos Prof Lieu’s Tips In terms of capturing the gesture […]
The complete Portrait Curriculum for Self-taught Artists is a series of 3 videos. Portraits 1: Types of Portraits Portraits 2: Portrait Skills
A great exercise for learning anatomy as an artist is drawing a skeleton inside a figure drawing. By drawing the skeleton as you draw the human figure, you are able to see the connections between the figure. Explained are the various bony landmarks, providing a fundamental understanding of how the skeletal structure in a figure […]
Learn all the logistics and art skills you’ll need to start a comic. There are many components to the process: coming up with the idea for the comic, determining the length. Considering the panel format, designing the environments and characters, the drawing process, figuring out what art medium to work are all important skills to […]
This video explains the structure of the spine in the torso, focusing on the “centerline” of the human figure. The centerline is visible on the back and the front of the figure on the torso, and is an effective reference to search for when beginning a gesture drawing of a human figure. The centerline can […]
This seven part series demonstrates how to draw clothing, with each video focusing on a specific fold type. Each demo begins with a brief discussion of how each fold type behaves, as well as concrete tips for how to approach drawing the specific fold type. Discussions and drawing demos by Art Prof Clara Lieu and Teaching Artist Jordan […]
Watch a drawing demo on how to draw clothing, starting with a brief discussion to explain the different fold types. There are several different fold types: pipe fold, moving fold, half lock fold, dead fold, diaper fold, zig zag fold, and spiral fold. The drawing demo shows drawing techniques using Procreate and colored pencils on […]
This demo is a drawing demo on how to draw clothing, starting out with a comprehensive explanation of the different fold types. These fold types include: pipe fold, moving fold, half lock fold, dead fold, diaper fold, zig zag fold, and spiral fold. The drawing demo shows Procreate and colored pencil techniques on how to […]
Creating a mastercopy of a historical drawing is an effective exercise for honing your drawing skills. This video is a hands on demo that provides tips for how to get started with a mastercopy. There is also a discussion that provides insight into the value doing a mastercopy can have to advance and strengthen your […]
The Artist Business Track will give you a solid foundation of content, presented in a professional manner to help launch your career as an artist. Ongoing AssignmentLesson 1 • Lesson 2 • Lesson 3Lesson 4 • Lesson 5 • Lesson 6 Whether you want to sell, network, or engage with an audience this track will get you to form a strategy for […]
Copying a digital painting is a great exercise to develop your digital painting skills and analyze the techniques used in great paintings. In this video we demonstrates how to make a mastercopy in Procreate. This video shows the step by step process how start one, while also prodiving reasons for what you can learn and […]
This Digital Basics Track will help develop your skills in digital drawing and painting techniques. For those of you who have experience with digital art, this track can be really useful to refresh and enhance the skills you already have. Ongoing AssignmentLesson 1 • Lesson 2 • Lesson 3Lesson 4 • Lesson 5 • Lesson […]