Comics Curriculum

The complete Comics Curriculum for Self-taught Artists is a series of 2 videos. The Curriculum’s document is a complementary resource for both videos. Comics Part 1 Comics Part 2

Comics Curriculum 2

This video is part 2 of our comics curriculum for self-taught artists which reviews prompts and exercise for practicing your comics skills, comics history, what comics are like today, and more resources for learning comics on your own. Discussion led by Art Prof Clara Lieu and Teaching Artist Cat Huang. Video Walkthrough Artists & Artworks […]

Comics Curriculum 1

This video is part 1 of a comics curriculum for self-taught artists. Topics explained include the international comics industry, types of comics including webtoons, non-fiction biographies, superhero, Sunday Funnies. Also discussed is the visual language of comics including panels, speech bubbles, spreads, and pages, as well as techniques like the “180 degree rule,” point of […]