This video is part 2 in a Landscape Curriculum designed for self-taught artists. (watch part 1)
This discussion talks about the various genres and formats where landscape can be found in the visual arts: in game design, manuscripts, ceramics, murals, textiles, and more.
Discussion led by Art Prof Clara Lieu and Teaching Artists Deepti Menon and Alex Rowe.

Video Walkthrough
- Usually when “landscape” is mentioned in the context of art, the “typical” landscape is an oil painting.
- Landscapes can be found in an immense range of art forms.
- Minecraft has produced intricate landscapes, which share the exact same principles of lighting, atmospheric perspective, etc. found in a Thomas Cole painting.
- Animal Crossing is an interactive landscape which is created by you.
- Landscape artwork is often a reflection upon geography, as the landscape varies tremendously depending on location.
- In illustration, the landscape can truly become a character and world in itself.
- People often think backgrounds and landscapes will interfere with the figures in an artwork.
- Leo and Diane Dillon’s children’s book illustrations have a dream-like quality that show the passage of time.
- WPA posters use a very flat, graphic style to portray landscapes throughout the US.
- Landscapes in Osamu Tezuka’s manga comics are incredibly rich and atmospheric, despite being pen drawings.
- Many cultures have ceramic tiles, vases, and plates that have landscapes.
- In the context of a vase, the landscape does not have a definitive ending the way the edge of an oil painting does.
- Murals in cities often define the landscape and personality of the neighborhood.
- Textiles with landscapes can range from historical tapestries in Europe to designs by the company Marimekko.
- A background in animation can be as much of the storytelling process as the characters themselves.
- The technology in movies has drastically transformed over the past few decades.
- Old matte paintings were truly an art form that defined space and atmosphere.

Fine Artists
- Diedrick Brackens
- Henry Darger
- Lady Pink
- Rembrandt
- Shonto Begay
- Thomas Cole
- Will Cotton
- Aurora Reyes Flores
- Lady Pink
Comics Artists
- Osamu Tezuka
- Tillie Walden
- Aaron Becker
- Arthur Rackham
- Eliza Wheeler
- Kent Davis
- Leo & Diane Dillon
- William Steig
Concept Artists & Animators
- Adam Adamowicz
- Don Hertzfeldt
- Marimekko

Films & TV shows
- Billy’s Balloon
- Galaxy Quest
- My Neighbor Totoro
- Planet of the Apes
- Ran
- Shrek
- Snow White
- Superman
- The Wizard of Oz
- Waking Life
- Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit
Full Curriculum
Overview · Landscapes 1 · Landscapes 2
Video & Board Games
- Animal Crossing
- Candyland
- Everdell
- Minecraft
- Journey
- Brave Irene
- The Zabajaba Jungle
- Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People’s Ears
- Alone in Space

- Vase with equestrian figure in landscape, mid-17th century
- Vase with gentlemen in a landscape (one of a pair), 1915–35
- Vase with poems in a panoramic landscape, late 17th century
- Tile Panel, Safavid period, first quarter 17th century
- Imitation Blue-and-white Bowl, 17th century
- Works Projects Administration Posters, 1936-1943
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