See how to get started with alcohol Inks, and the broad range of visual effects you can create. This demo shows how the alcohol inks behave with Yupo Paper, watercolor paper, and with tools like Q-tips, sumi brushes, cotton rags, and more. Techniques with the alcohol inks shown include how to layer colors, how to […]
Category: Learn & Create
See a painting demo of how to mix flesh tones using water mixable oil paints and a palette knife. Using exclusively a palette knife is an effective way to focus entirely on the color mixing process by removing the distraction of needing to address brush technique at the same time. Painting a self-portrait from life, […]
This video shows how to draw an environment from imagination using ballpoint pen and watercolor techniques. Diverse experiences, gathering reference images and objects serve as the inspiration for creating this imaginary environment Shown is a plein air drawing session on site using soft pastels, a trip to the grocery store to buy unusual looking produce, […]
This video shows how you can draw from real life! See a demo of how to do gesture drawings from life using Faber-Castell colored pencils and Pitt pens. Discussed in the video are the many advantages of drawing from life, as well as the challenges. See how to draw cats who simply won’t sit still! […]
See a drawing demo which explains the anatomy of the back while also showing pencil drawing techniques to achieve a convincing sense of realistic form. Anatomical landmarks shown include the scapula, pelvis, centerline, the Posterior Superior Iliac Spine, and more. Techniques for creating tone are shown using graphite powder, a white plastic eraser, a kneaded […]
This videos provides simple art prompts that can be done in literally 10 minutes so self-taught artists can jump start their studio art practice. These are prompts are easy, accessible, and quick to start with bare bones art supplies. Sometimes the toughest part of the creative process is getting started. These prompts will get your […]
Practice your drawing skills with our timed drawing session videos! These videos makes drawing practice easy: get your drawing supplies and follow along as each pose plays with a timer. Portraits • Human Figure • Landscapes & Plants • Mammals • Underwater • Birds • Bones All of the reference photos used in these timed drawing videos are available on Art Prof’s free reference photo collection […]
Handmade artist books are lovely objects that can be very three-dimensional with techniques like the lotus fold and meandering fold. This video demonstrates these two book folding techniques, which include book covers, archival book glue, paper, specialized tools like a bone folder, and more. The end result is a beautiful handmade artist book which you […]
Visual Journaling is an easy, effective visual exercise. You can do it on a regular basis as a refreshing way to renew your artistic thinking and process. This video talks about different techniques for creating mixed media collages in a visual journal. It includes: searching for imagery in art magazines, using photo copies from books, […]
You don’t need a press to create monotypes, all you need is a gelli plate, some water based Akua printmaking inks, and printmaking paper! Prof Lieu demonstrates every step of the process, showing wiping techniques, brush techniques, registration, and the printing process to create a monochromatic monotype. Demo led by Art Prof Clara Lieu and […]
The Art Prof team travels to Guangzhou, China where they draw on site using alcohol based markers, water based brush pens, felt tip pens, and mixed media collage to show the urban sketching process from beginning to end. Art Prof Clara Lieu and Teaching Artists Eloise Sherrid, Casey Roonan, and Lauryn Welch discuss the challenges […]
See a demo of oil pastel techniques that will show how to create a compelling portrait. Various techniques are explained, that can be used to build up vibrant colors and three dimensional volume with oil pastels including layering, blending, creating a diverse range of textures and marks, and more. Demo led by Art Prof Clara […]
Teaching Artist Alex Rowe shows how to brainstorm, research, sketch, and complete an illustration based on a historical event from the colonial era in America. Alex talks about how to come up with an idea for an illustration. He takes a trip to the library to research a story about sheep in colonial America. Another […]
Dip pens and ink can create a beautiful effect when combined with layers of markers and white gesso. This video demos a unique technique with these art supplies that produce a drawing with delicate line work and subtle colors. Tips for how to draw with a dip pen using cross-hatching techniques are explained, as well […]
Animation • Sketchbook • 3D • Drawing • Painting • Photo & Film • Character Design • Collage & Printmaking Animation Prompts Sketchbook Prompts 3D Prompts Drawing Prompts Painting Prompts Digital/Photo/Film Prompts Character Design & Comics Collage & Printmaking
This video demos watercolor techniques for plein air landscape painting in a cemetery in Widstoe, Utah. The process is explained step by step, from the sketching process into finalizing the details in the paintings. Watercolor is combined with alcohol based brush pen markers to blend and create dramatic color effects. Demo led by Art Prof […]
See the process of watercolor painting AND baking sourdough bread! This video weaves together how a grandmother baking sourdough bread inspired a watercolor painting. (Prof Lieu’s mother in law, the “Bread Fairy.”) By showing and explaining the painting process, the artist comes to see that the bread is much more that just a loaf of […]
This video shows a wide range of materials, techniques and tools for creating diverse effects in watercolor. You’ll learn how to create many visual effects in watercolor. Like how to achieve various textures, lines, and strokes. How to use other, unconventional tools. All of these techniques can be used to create a visual language for […]
The Drawing Basics Track is a great way to learn fundamental skills in drawing. You’ll develop versatility in drawing by practicing everything from a two minute gesture drawing to drawings that take several hours to complete! OngoingLesson 1 • Lesson 2 • Lesson 3Lesson 4 • Lesson 5 • Lesson 6 A broad range of […]
Index Abstraction Animals Character Design Figure Illustration Landscape Portrait Still Life Travel Abstraction Animals Character Design Figure Illustration Landscape Portrait Still Life Travel
Index 3D Animation Collage Comics Digital Drawing Painting Printmaking 3D Animation Collage Comics Digital Drawing Painting Printmaking
The complete Business Curriculum for Self-taught Artists is a series of 2 videos. The Curriculum’s document is a complementary resource for both videos. Business Part 1 Business Part 2
How do you start a page in your sketchbook when you don’t know what to draw, or feel unmotivated? (or both!) See a drawing demo which provides several prompts for how to get your creative juices flowing. Contrary to the sketchbooks you see on Instagram, real artist sketchbooks are a mess, full of scraps of […]
Art Prof Clara Lieu visits Goblin Valley in Southern Utah, where she paints 2 landscape paintings on site, blending watercolors and alcohol based brush pens. Next, Prof Lieu goes mushroom hunting with family in the mountains, bringing back gigantic mushrooms which serve as still life subjects to explore watercolor techniques including dry brushing and diverse […]
A lot of artists worry about what “should” be in their sketchbook, the answer is, ANYTHING! Contrary to the sketchbooks you see on Instagram, real artist sketchbooks are a mess, full of scraps of ideas, crummy looking doodles and drawings, and are rarely finished. See what your sketchbook “should” be: a glorious mess of whatever. […]
The complete Painting Curriculum for Self-taught Artists is a series of 2 videos. The Curriculum’s document is a complementary resource for both videos. Painting 1: Types of Paint Painting 2: Painting Prompts Painting 3: Painting Tools
Critique is a fundamental part of the artistic process, providing artists an opportunity to get a fresh pair of eyes on their artwork. This video explains concrete, practical strategies that both art teachers and art students can apply to group critiques in the classroom. Discussion led by Art Prof Clara Lieu and Teaching Artists Cat […]
The complete Animation Curriculum for Self-taught Artists is a series of 2 videos. The Curriculum’s document is a complementary resource for both videos. Animation Part 1 Animation Part 2
The complete Comics Curriculum for Self-taught Artists is a series of 2 videos. The Curriculum’s document is a complementary resource for both videos. Comics Part 1 Comics Part 2
The complete Illustration Curriculum for Self-taught Artists is a series of 2 videos. The Curriculum’s document is a complementary resource for both videos. Illustration Part 1 Illustration Part 2
PromptCreate and paint a still life using only white objects. Supplies Tall container for water Palette Knife Acrylic paint Acrylic Matt Medium Slow Drying Medium Acrylic brushes Pro Acrylic gloss varnish Pro Acrylic semi-gloss varnish Blue painter’s tape Freezer paper clamp light or desk lamp Still Life Items White objects: bed sheets, bottles, cups, bowls, folded or […]
The complete Basics Curriculum for Self-taught Artists is a series of 3 videos. If you’re a beginner, this curriculum is a great way to get a comprehensive overview of the skills and topics you’ll want to learn, regardless of what you want to ultimately focus on. The Curriculum’s document is a complete resource for all […]